Sunday, December 6, 2015

Krampus Is Having Fun, This Season!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Not only is his movie the top box-office draw of Friday, but I think he paid us a visit.  When we got home from the fabulous dinner party we had been to, I discovered a sprig of pine on our stairwell, outside the apartment.  What on Earth was that doing there?  The stairs were not decorated, so what could be the answer?  Only that last night was Krampusnacht, and perhaps the lovable scamp wanted to wish a Merry Krampusnacht, thank us for publicizing him, indicating we do not need to be carried off.  At least this year!

                                   Or, maybe he went upstairs, to visit our neighbor, "Big Boy!"

                                    Thank you, Krampus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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