Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Now, This Is What I Want For Christmas, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Just saying the name "Versace" makes my fingers ache. So, it is no surprise that my gift of choice this year is going to be the Versace Bright Crystal Gift Set.  I mean, just look at that floral pattern!  And all that PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is every girl's--and queen's--dream come true.

                                 And all those lotions and ingots to make me beautiful, which I desperately need, especially as the year winds down, to remind me history is passing and I have grown a little older.

                                 Girls, we can spend holiday hours before the mirror, fixing ourselves up. Even if all you are stuck with is fags, like Helen Lawson.  It never stopped her, but if she had had this, she might have gotten more REAL MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I am going to put my order in immediately, girls, and so should you!

                                    And we can all discuss it over tea, after seeing "Carol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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