Sunday, December 13, 2015

"The Island Of Misift Toys" Teaches Us Christmas Compassion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This was one of the most heartrending moments in the 1964 classic, "Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer."  Toys, abandoned by owners who did not want them anymore--a metaphor for the socially abandoned in our society.

                               I myself felt, especially during adolescence, I belonged on this island.  In fact, I wanted to go, because everyone there seemed so loving to each other, united in their feeling unloved,

                               But I always loved the misfit toys, and their island, and the sequence was a favorite.  So, on Sunday, while not a religious song, it has humanitarian themes that are apropos of the true meaning of Christmas.

                                   So, listen and learn, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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