Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Most Inspirational Person Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Saints come in all shapes and sizes, and some even walk about the Earth.  Sister Camille D'Arienzo, of the Sisters Of Mercy, is one of them.

                            For the past five years, she has given me hope and courage through her broadcasts.  I felt a call to respond to her plea, this season to socks for the needy, and so my beloved and I sent some. And we got, unexpectedly, a most gracious reply from Sister Camille, with a message about forgiveness.  It sits proudly next to our statue of Mary.  Yes, dears, THAT Mary!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I felt compelled to send her a Christmas card this year, which I hope she enjoyed.  With those elegant earrings, wise words, and encouraging smile, Sister Camille has done for humanitarian work, on behalf of Catholics and non-Catholics, than many in the Metropolitan area.

                            I am not sure how you feel about following Betsy Palmer/Mrs. Voorhees, but know, Sister Camille, you are loved and admired by The Raving Queen and my readers!

                            Blessings on you, in 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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