Thursday, December 31, 2015

This Housekeeper Was No Ameila Bedelia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Even an affluent Chicago suburb, like Buffalo Grove, can have its share of trouble, and Trouble came calling on June 29, 2005, when Pastor Ivon Harris, and his 24-year-old daughter, Sarah, were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

                              They were murdered by a man they had helped-- Russell H. Sedelmaier, a 44-year-old down and outer, from the wrong side  of the tracks, whom they helped by hiring him as a house cleaner.  They trusted him, for years.

                                But, he had a history of robbery and violence, and leopards do not change their spots so easily. On the date in question, he decided to rob the Harrises, thinking them so affluent.  As it turned out, both Sarah and Ivon got home early, disrupted the robbery, and so were used as collateral damage that had to be covered up. But not before they were brutalized, tortured, and left for dead, dying, while still alive, of smoke inhalation, when Sedelmaier set the house on fire!

                                  This is some sick thing!  Imagine, he had more than one wife!  Who would marry this scum???????  Well, we don't know what they look like!  Probably like Mama June!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The Harris matriarch, Eileen, survived, because she got home late--just in time to see the house in flames, though the sweet dog was spared.  At Sedelmaier's sentencing--where he was expected to get Death--Eileen impressively and magnanimously argued for a Life sentence for him, and forgave him!
Talk about strength of character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Now, I want to talk about character some more.  As all my girls know, I welcome and answer all comments on here.  Some are laudatory, others vitriolic with anger!  What is interesting to me, is that the most angry, off the wall comments, come from when I do a posting, based on something I saw on ID.  This story I saw on "Your Worst Nightmare."

                                       I get attacked for calling people "trash;" some saying I am practicing hate speech.
Well, to those folk, I say--what do you think THIS guy is, a hero???????????  Are you all dumb???????  I guess  so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Otherwise, you would read other posts on my blog that aren't at all like this. But those might be too sophisticated, for you!

                                          Go ahead; attack me!  I know you will!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           This has been a Public Service message from The Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I just watched the story on I.D. Channel. Two of the most brutalized, tortured victims ever. As brutal as Manson deaths. And she forgives him? My strength in the Lord is very strong. But no way Lord, can these brutal deaths be forgiven. I believe in an eye for an eye. Pushing him over a cliff would be my punishment dealt out to him. A death by injection is no worse than getting prepared for surgery. A push off a cliff would give me closure. And.. I would gladly be the one who pushed him. Again. My God what brutality !!


  2. I second everything you said.

  3. Sarah’s puppy actually died. She loved that pup.


  4. Are you telling the truth,
    or just being some sick sadist?
    If truthful, I am sorry Sarah lost
    the puppy, and that it died.

  5. Sister my my big bear love vouchers


  6. Honey, I have no idea what you mean!

  7. I would do ur research a little better great blog otherwise. Oh and btw I would know cause he's my uncle

    1. Good grief,I hope (for your sake) he was just an anomalous.


  8. Unknown,
    Thank you for the positive comment about the blog.
    As for research, I try, but sometimes unable to
    find things, I had no idea Vine was your uncle.
    Was there ever a human side to him?

    Feel free to drop in here anytime.


  9. Unsure,
    Thanks for the comment,
    but I am unsure what
    you mean. Please elaborate!

  10. That S.O.B Russell Sedelmaier finally got justice served by the Almighty himself. Covid did him in.


  11. Anonymous,
    Yes, justice was dealt. I
    agree with you.
