Wednesday, December 23, 2015

This Is The Ultimate, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Well, the Advent Season is drawing to a close.  It h as been fun, sharing Christmas music with all of you, and , of course, my traditional ending song is that most dramatic of all carols, "O Holy Night!"  The deeply reverential melody, the dramatic lyrics that can be enacted, it is the closest thing, lambs, to Jennifer Jones, as Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!   I am telling you.  When the song gets to "Fall on your knees....," everyone wants to, I can tell you.

                        And tradition dictates Andy Williams!!!!!!!!!!!  Forget Mariah Carey, and Josh Groban!  His is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          You will feel as if you are present at the Nativity, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                           Merry Christmas To All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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