Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What Happened To That Tea With Hayley Mills??????????????????

                                    It did not happen, this year, darlings, and that is the simple truth of it.  But that does not mean it will not, and let me tell you, it would be better if it happened in 2016, because girls, I  know you are not going to believe this, but on her next birthday, April 18, Hayley Mills will be (gasp!) 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Can it be possible that my childhood icon has reached such an age?  And what does that say about myself, and others my age, who "grew up" with Hayley????????????

                                     What it says to me is that this would be the year to have that tea, as it would be a milestone birthday for Hayley, and a milestone for me.  Wait till she hears me do "Cobbler, Cobbler!"

                                        So, Hayley , the invite is still on!  Let's wait , though till after  your birthday, in April!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Ready when you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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