Thursday, January 21, 2016

An Archetypal Bitch!!!!!!!!!!! But, Hey, They Have Their Place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Last night's "Law And Order, SVU" episode, "A Misunderstanding," was the usual dramatic mess the show has been, ever since Chris Meloni bowed out, and they have pumping up Olivia to be the Sanctimonious Queen she seems to think she is, but really is not.  Indeed, she demonstrated all that on the show last night, but what really made this show was Olivia Birkelund's performance as Ellen Roberts, good enough to be named Bitch Of The Week.

                          Ellen just loves her perfect son, Chris, even if he is a conformist sex pig, who took advantage of a 15-year-old girl--who may have not said "No!," but clearly said, "Don't!" and "Slow down!," which amount to the same thing--and will do anything, even turn on one of her own sex, to make sure her son's chances of getting into Stanford are realized.

                           Let us consider Ellen's back story for a moment.  I mean, just look at that hair.  That limp, dyed blonde look, the hardness of the skin; this is no Stepford Wife, but one who wants to be, and is a town or two removed from it.  Ellen wanted to be First Tier, but she can never except the fact that she and her no-right-to-be-arrogant hubby, Dennis Roberts (excellently played by John Hickcock) will never be Top Tier, even if they send their son to private school, and it is breaking their bank, as sure as Connie Stevens broke hers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           This woman is a piece of work.  "I know girls!  I know how they lie!," she says at one point to Olivia, Rita Calhoun (Elizabeth Marvel) and the victim, Abby Stewart.  Why, you bitch?Because you were a lying thing yourself?  And what lie did you use to trap hubby into your semi-Stepford marriage??????? Oh, this woman did not fool me, for a second.

                             And, then, the scene in the bathroom. "Oh, I'm just here to wash my hands," she humbly says, before grabbing Abby and accusing her as the reason Stanford has asked their son to withdraw his application.  Someone should take away her hair dye.

                               This is the type of woman you see in Manhattan all the time. The ones who are just struggling to be Top Tier, even though they will never make it.  She needs a hair appointment fast, but she will never get one with Ariette, or at Sally Hershberger!!!!!!!!!!  She needs a plastic surgeon, too!
Just like all those women my beloved and I saw at the Actors Temple benefit, way back, who looked like they were all cloned out of the same makeover factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But the Ellen Roberts of the world cannot accept themselves as less than perfect.
Their bitchiness comes from knowing they belong, and should have stayed, in the distinctly Middle Class suburban enclave they hailed from, and get their clothes off the rack at K-Mart, by designers like Jacqueline Smith, or Kate Hudson, because they could never cut it with Caroline Herrera, or Diane Von Furstenberg!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And their frustration over this makes them bitches!

                                      Does Ellen ever stop to think how she would react, had Chris been a daughter?  Would she still throw the girl over for the boy?  Oh no, not at all!  This is not about social honesty; this is about hypocrisy; the mother knows exactly what her son is, too, and shame on her for not doing something about it!  Well, wait till he gets raped in prison; she will sing a different tune, then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Barbara Stanwyck in "Stella Dallas" had more integrity and class than this bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't think the episode's conclusion gave her a good enough lesson, but let me tell you, girls, Life will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Trouble always comes home to roost for bitches, and this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, Ellen Roberts, is no exception!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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