Sunday, January 24, 2016

Are You All Right, Sister Camille?????????????????????

                          It was a Sunday that began like any other, darlings!  The voice clock had just chanted "Eight AM," and I rose out of bed, placing Baby Gojira before the radio, atop the fridge, so he could hear Sister Camille, and her message for the week.

                           He waited, and I waited.  Me, with my coffee, Baby Gojira with baited baby breath.  No smoke or fire fumes!  She is usually on around  8:35, but when the time came and went, I was stunned, and Baby Gojira was upset.  My beloved said something--the weather--must have prevented her from making her broadcast or transporting it.

                             I would hope the station would have made some kind of announcement, to those of us who await Sister's words, each Sunday morning.  The important thing is that Sister Camille is OK, so here is a fond wish for that, from Baby Gojira and myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Until next Sunday, Sister Camille!  You enrich our lives, and you were missed this morning!

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