Friday, January 15, 2016

Beware The Too Friendly Neighbor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I know  I am overdue on my Bitch Of The Week deadline, girls, but, honestly, being The Raving Queen means I don't stop moving.  From socials, to galas, to doctors and pasta palaces, it seems more like I am doing just that.  But I have a real scumbag for you, this week.

                                   His name is Bill  Morrisey, and in 1988, until August 2, he was known as The Good Neighbor.  A retired Air Force officer, in his early fifties, with no wife or children--Hmmmm.... I wonder why--Bill became a fixture in the Great Falls, Montana, neighborhood, befriending all the families and their children, chief among them the Clarks, parents of nine-year-old Dolana.

                                    He generously opened his home to kids, let them hang out with him, watching TV together.  How many reading this now see something wrong with this picture?  So, why didn't the Clarks?  Because theirs was a dysfunctional household--parents drinking and fighting, with Dolana caught in the middle.  It would have been thought Morrisey's home would have  been a refuge.  It may have been for the others, but not for Dolana.

                                   What happened?  This guy really had no prior criminal record, nor any history of being a sex offender or predator.  And he wasn't--except with Dolana; during her visits he would molest and abuse her.  And, like abusers, she never told anyone.

                                      It gets even sicker, darlings!!!!!!!!!  Because Morrisey wanted a wife, he found himself attracted to Dolana, saying, once she reached the age of eighteen, he was going to marry her!

                                       Is this scum for real?  Unfortunately, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       On the afternoon of August 2, 1988, Dolnana had argued with her parents, her father especially, about buying a cat.  She had saved most of the money, but was refused the small amount needed.  She took off, on her bike, down the road, in anger.

                                         She arrived at Morrisey's house, and was also refused the request. Now, whether Dolana said something in anger, like "I'm going to tell," is not clear.  But Morrisey became rattled, saying, "You're not going anywhere!"  Then this monster smacked Dolana hard across the face, punched her in the stomach, and strangled her on the couch.  When she went missing, he even helped with the search, knowing the body was stored in the trunk of his car.  Later, that night, he transported it to an area within the Little Belt Mountains, where her skull was found, a year later, in the fall of 1989.

                                           But it was not until 2002 that things came to a close.  Early on, Dolana's father, who was not a model parent, was a prime suspect, but his alibi stood up to scrutiny.  Fourteen years later, a detective working on the class, bumped into Clark at a bus stop, asking him, point blank, if he knows who killed his daughter.  The man answered, tersely, "Yes. Bill Morrisey."  The killer was noe 65.

                                            After the disappearance and initial hoopla wore down, Morrisey severed ties with the Clarks, and moved to Illinois.  This was within a month of Dolana vanishing.  It, understandably, left a bad taste in her father's mouth.

                                              Which resulted in the re-opening of the investigation, tracking down and capturing Morrisey, and listening to his sick, twisted tale of unrequited love and rejection--from a nine-year-old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   This despicable bitch is serving a sentence of Life, Without Parole, at Montana State Prison, where he deserves to rot!  That he has not yet is surprising, considering how inmates feel about those who kill children.

                                                   Watch your back, Bill!  And enjoy your brief fame as Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!

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