Thursday, January 21, 2016

Darlings, This Is The New Place To Be Seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            With Winter fixing to really set in--dig out the Henry James or the Brontes--even The Raving Queen cannot be in multiple places at once.  That is why, like Eve Harrington, I have my "Indian scouts" searching for me, so I can report to you on the latest.

                             And Locanda Verde, located at 377 Greenwich Street, is the latest place to be seen.

                              I mean, you simply cannot show yourself in civilized society, unless you have dined here.  I am most anxious to--not only do they serve all three meals, but their cuisine is exotic--things like Sheep's Milk Ricotta,  Marinated Beets, and Linguine Neri.  Not to mention that, at breakfast, they have Lemon Ricotta Pancakes.  Are they as good as Sarabeth's??????  Only dining at either  place will tell.

                               I think workplaces--certainly mine--should have some staff meetings at here or Sarabeth. After the exquisite food, and sloshed down with wine and coffee, folks will be ready to agree with anything, or tolerate any colleague.

                                Why don't more companies get smart???????????

                                  My beloved and I plan to dine here soon!  I mean, I cannot afford NOT to be seen here, darlings!!!!!!!!  Hope to see you there--oh, hello ANNA!!!!!!!!--and rest assured there will be a full report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Mangia, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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