Friday, January 8, 2016

Everyone Is Going For The Countess' Throat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              It certainly seemed that way, when "American Horror Story--Hotel" returned two nights ago.  I was in such a traumatized state that evening, I did not realize it was its return night. Fortunately, my beloved taped it, and we watched it last evening.

                               For a time, it looked like Iris (Kathy Bates) and Liz Taylor (Denis O'Hare) were going to take the Countess on. And how nice to have Sarah Paulson back; I just LOVE Hypodermic Sally, darlings, because she has such fun!!!!!!!!!!! After seeing how she worked over that rock couple, I was rooting for her to go after the Countess. Anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Poor Chloe Sevigny and her family. They are back at home, but will have to drink human blood the rest of their lives. It is just a matter of time before enough people vanish, and their paths all seem to end at Chloe's front door. People, like police, are going to ask questions, so I don't see much of a future for them, here!

                                   But it was Angela Bassett , as Ramona Royale, who stole the show last night, and, I am telling you, I want to see her take down the Countess.  Not since Anne Bancroft and Shirley MacLaine went at each other 39 years ago--can you believe it, darlings????--in 1977's "The Turning Point" could there be such a cat fight!  These two will belt it out to the end!!!!! Plus, there is no future for Lady Gaga on this show, because she is no actress. Next season, they are going to HAVE to bring back someone who can act; if not Jessica, then maybe Lily!!!!!!!!!!!  Please?????????????  After next week's finale, believe me, Lady Gaga is through on this show.  She can't act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Evan Peters can, and he was brilliant, last night!  I think this is his best character on this series yet! And wasn't Mare Winningham a scream?????????????

                                      It will be fascinating to see where things go next season, who will be back, or who will be added!!!!!!!!

                                      I cannot wait for some brand new horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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