Thursday, January 7, 2016

For Home Decoration, You Cannot Beat This Bedroom Re-do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I mean, darlings, look at all that pink!  You know  I want it!  Not since Sandra Dee's bedroom in the 1959 "Imitation Of Life" has there been such a space!  Oh, and do not forget the pink Princess telephone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Actually, I would alter some stuff, from this photo.  I would make the floor either white or pink, and I would have the ceiling either pink, or blue, with sky clouds. Or maybe pink, with clouds.  I think that is better!

                                  And that vanity with the pink seating!  I have simply GOT to have it!!!!!!!!!

                                  Imagine if our bedroom looked like this Glam Palace!  I know my beloved would be thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And so, of course, would Baby Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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