Sunday, January 10, 2016

Here's How I Survived The Trauma, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                  It was a serendipitous surprise, in that it could not have come at a better time.  When we got home, yesterday, from our Queens excursion--thanks to the generosity of Auntie Alvin, who drove us directly to our door--David and I spent a cozy evening at home.  I checked to see what  the Channel 13 movie was, and when I found out, practically screamed, "David! Quick!  Get in here!  It's 'Moonstruck'!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Now, I was one of the last to see it, on its original run, back in 1987.  My God, that was 29 years ago!  To think that, next year, the film will be 30!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I saw it, again and again, at the Alpine.  I loved its romantic view of New York, its depictions of Lincoln Center, which, then, made me feel so proud about working there.  I SO related to Cher as Loretta in this film I even bought a coat like the one she wears in the opening scene.  It was from MACY'S and, back then, cost $300!!!!!!!!!  I then seldom spent such amounts, but, yes, darlings, I wanted my life, then to be "Moonstruck."  I wanted to find the right one!  And I did, but it took me 23 years, from this point, to do so.

                                  But, yes, girls, I emulated Loretta!!!!!!!!!  I went to hair salons, sipped wine, while trying new outfits on, went to see "La Boheme" at The Met (but by myself!!!!!!!!!), stood on the steps of the Cranberry Street house, in Brooklyn, kicked the can down Columbia Heights one morning, just like Loretta, with Puccini humming in my brain, and, while it still existed on Thompson Street, in the West Village, I even ate at the Grand Ticino!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And, now, girls, my life IS "Moonstruck!!!!!!!!!!!!"   Which was why viewing it last night helped to psychologically decompress me from the trauma of yesterday, in Queens, and put us both in a sanguine enough mood to get a great night's sleep!  We almost--God forbid!!!--missed Sister Camille, but I bet she loves "Moonstruck?"  I mean, who wouldn't?????????  And the film, which I had not seen in at least a decade, held up beautifully.  It is just about perfect>

                                     It also brings to mind my friends, Joe and Norman, in Bloomfield.  Joe is Italian, and whenever we visited there, upon either entering or leaving, would shout out Olympia Dukakis' line, "Watch it! The house!"  I wonder if they remember that?  I am going to call them, and find out!!!!!!!!!

                                       But, darlings, if you need cheerful recovery from something, "Moonstruck" will do the job!

                                        Unless you are in a REAL bitchy mood!!!!!!!!!  Then, switch to "Mildred Pierce!!!!!!!!!!!"  The Joan Crawford version, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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