Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I Could Not, In Good Conscience, Refrain From Saying Something About David Bowie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               OK, OK, so may be I was not an astute follower of his musical work; after all, I was a Broadway kid.  Nevertheless, the message that came about his death yesterday--which came as a surprise to me--elicited a reaction, because my best memory of him is his appearance in 1983--can it really be that long, darlings??????--film, "The Hunger."

                                 I mean, that apartment, David so urbane and elegant as a vampire, plus that classic lesbian scene with Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve, which even I would have done--Hell, who wouldn't?  And who wouldn't want to look like Catherine Deneuve?  She could lure anyone into vampirism!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 This film was filled with home decorating ideas, one of which was David himself. And Catherine knew a few things about home decoration, having appeared, nineteen years before, in "The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg," which is how I want my household to be styled like. And that scene at the train station........Mmmmmmmmmmmm..........

                                   But, back to David. Yes, there was a brief period--maybe a day--where I wanted to be Ziggy Stardust, but I couldn't just ruin my hair with cancerous dye, could I???????  In my position, a hairstyle is all a girl has, and I was one, back then.  So, I gave up glitter for glamour.

                                     David straddled the worlds of both, with enormous success.  How could I not acknowledge his passing?

                                       Your individual spirit will be missed. Rest In Peace, David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I can't believe he's gone: I'm still in shock- just downloaded his latest album on his birthday last Friday! One of those people that you somehow don't register as aging, then all of a sudden they pass away and you realize decades passed.

    Most of his oeuvre wasn't exactly in your wheelhouse, not all of it was to my taste either, but the stuff of his I like, I love, such as the epic "Life On Mars" (I'm still not sure how I feel about Jessica Lange doing it in American Horror Story: Freak Show). And as you noted, he's one of very few rock stars to successfully pull off an acting career. His performance in "The Hunger" makes its ridiculous premise instantly credible: who else could have projected his arc of muted terror, desperation then resignation at rapidly aging? He's the glue that bridges the two halves of the film: 80s depravity and excess at the beginning, thru his crisis, and on to the giddy romanticism of Deneuve/Sarandon.

    Not to forget his amazing debut in "The Man Who Fell To Earth" (a polarizing film, but he's incredible in it), and later, more realistic parts like "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence". I don't think Bowie got nearly enough credit for his ability to embody "quietness" while acting- most of his roles required holding audience attention while not doing or saying much of anything for long stretches. Most actors with more "training" would be unable to resist using tricks or tics to fill the emptyness: Bowie simply inhabited the stillness. That scene in "The Hunger" when he ages 50 years while sitting in Susan Sarandon's waiting room is just one example. Then there's his unequaled flair for androgyny: no one else in living memory has ever really pulled that off so successfully. Any idiot can toy with blatant effeminacy, but it takes genuine poise and self-awareness to balance male and female so magnetically.

    R.I.P., Mr. Newton...


  2. I now regret never having seen "The Man Who Fell To Earth." He also did a stint in "The Elephant Man" on Broadway, during its original run, I think.

    Much more talented and original than many of his imitators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. LOVE the Hunger! I own it, darling!



  4. I would love to see it again! I have not seen it
    since its initial release! Enjoy!
