Saturday, January 2, 2016

Let's Have A Year Of Miracles, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Remember Kathryn Kuhlman, and her TV show, "I Believe In Miracles???????"  And her theatrical delivery of that phrase?  And doesn't she look a bit like Nanette Fabray???????????

                                   No, Nanette was not Kathryn, but when it came to evangelizing, she was the REAL thing.  Even more than Tammy Faye Baker, whom we love for her make-up and fashion; when the empire crumbled, she ditched Jim, and emerged as one of America's leading Fag Hags!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Not Kathryn; she was the real thing.  Skinny as a rail, but bursting with the language of the Lord!  She had charisma and more!  I couldn't wait to watch her on Sunday mornings on Channel 9, because, hons, she was a lesson in PERFORMANCE.  She was the real thing, but she conducted herself with the theatricality of the great stage actresses of the day.  She might have been one, had she not had this calling.

                                     So, let Kathryn inspire us this year to make miracles for ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Maybe even your own tent revival show, comes this Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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