Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can You Believe It?????????????? David Lynch Is 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Another birthday that makes me feel old!

                               To think the maestro behind such masterworks "Mulholland Drive," "Twin Peaks," and, of course, "Blue Velvet"--which also celebrates its 30th Anniversary this year, too!!!!!!!!!--has reached this age.  It just does not seem possible.

                                 David Lynch is a genius. But he would not have reached iconic status, had it not been for "Blue Velvet."  When I saw that film, for the first time, I saw, in Lumberton, my own home town of Highland Park, New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Like Kyle MacLachlan, as Jeffrey Beaumont, I was always looking for the seamy underbelly, but, unlike Jeffrey, I was not that naive. I knew all the town's secrets, and where the bodies were buried!  And I still do!  So, watch out, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  At this time of my still young life, I had such a crush on David Lynch.  I wanted to work with him so badly, and would have done anything.  Even pop naked out of the bushes, like Isabella Rossellini, though I think Isabella looked better.  Thirty years later, I wouldn't dare do that scene!!!!!!!!!!!!  Things have not held up as well as "Blue Velvet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    But Happy Birthday, David, on this milestone!   I bet you will have Blue Velvet cake to celebrate--yes, dears, there is such a thing, no matter how disgusting it sounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Let us hear from you, David!  Being 70 is no excuse to stop making films!!!!!!!!!!

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