Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Noreen, Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           On October 6, darlings, we lost Kevin Corcoran, the best known of the acting clan, who starred in Disney classics, not the least of which was with Hayley Mills in her award-winning performance, in "Pollyanna," back in 1960.

                            Now, just three months and nine days after Kevin's death, sister Noreen, best known for her role as "Niece Kelly" on "Bachelor Father," has died at the age of 72.  Kevin was 66.

                              She died Friday, the 15th of cardiopulmonary disease.

                               An associate of mine observed recently, to me, that the reason there seem to  be so many deaths in January is that when people are near the end at the end of the year, they want to hold out a bit longer--and many do, for the holidays, and so they can see the New Year in.  At least, Kelly got that chance.

                               But it has been a sad January, with the passing of so many. And, what with my seasonal affect disorder, the Winter is proving to be more difficult than when it began.

                                 Thank God my beloved's birthday is this month. It gives me hope. And, had I been full term, this would have been my birthday month, as well.

                                    Imagine--the two of us celebrating birthdays the same month!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Noreen has seen her last.  Rest In Peace, Niece Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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