Sunday, January 24, 2016

One Of My Favorite Musicals Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary This Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               "MAME" opened at the Winter Garden on May 24, 1966.  Come that date this year, it will be half a century since....and Angela Lansbury, who was 41 then, is till alive now, at 91!!!!!!!!!!  Amazing!!!!!!!!!

                               Again, so why is no one acknowledging the durability of the classic.  I know Paper Mill did it, years back, with Christine Ebersole, and Kelly Bishop (as Vera Charles), but I have heard nothing about anything planned for New York.  Why can't ENCORES step in; "MAME" would be a sure fire money maker for them; even a "MAME" sing-along at 54 Below--which you know I would lead, darlings!!!!!!--could serve as some kind of acknowledgement.

                                Alas, with the Millennials thinking they are running things, nothing humane is valued--not history,  culture or endurance.  You would think this group had grown up on reading "Atlas Shrugged," but they were too busy texting their whole lives to open a book, even on Kindle!!!!!!!!!

                                  And one a thousand pages long?????????  Forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But I am not here to denigrate the Millennials; I can always do that another time.

                                  The point is, "MAME" needs to be acknowledged as a half century old musical theater classic, and if this blog is the only one to do it, then so be it!

                                    Happy 50th Anniversary, "MAME!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Here are Angela and Company doing "It's Today!"  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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