Saturday, January 16, 2016

That Roxie Volkov!!!!!!!!!!!! If Olivia Had Not Brought Her Around, She Might Have Made Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             How many times can Olivia be put through torturous situations, before audiences get tired of it, and want her smacked, already?  In "Townhouse Incident," the most recent episode, I was feeling that strongly, plus how many times can Joseph Hayes novel and play (and later film) "The Desperate Hours" be recycled????????  That is what it all amounted to.

                              By now, Noah is making grilled cheese sandwiches for himself.  Someone has to feed him; I mean, Olivia cannot be there.  I was surprised, when Ed Burke (still a hottie) showed up as Tucker, that Noah wasn't with him, directing the action!  He should have been.

                               What made the show moderately interesting was Amber Skye Noyes as Roxie Volkov.  What a fucking bitch she started out as, willing to let her lover--whom she claimed "saved her" (from what?)--kill innocent children, let alone rape a 16-year-old girl in the next room?????  There is no excuse for that; she is not a woman, but a monster, and even if she dyes her hair red, like Julianne Moore, and styles it like she is an over aged Shelley Plimpton, without the ability to project the innocence needed to sing "Frank Mills, her evil propensities cannot be covered up or ignored.

                                  I am telling you, we needed to see Olivia get pistol whipped more!  I am sick of seeing Olivia as such a doggie downer; she still has not gotten over Elliot.  Tough!!!!!!!!!  And now we have to watch her, as she recovers from yet another trauma??????????

                                   Where was Kellie Giddish?????????  Where was Raul Esparza???????? They at least liven things up!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But those Volkov siblings, Ralph and Roxie are dumber than shit!  First, you can tell they are little more than trash, but they at least love her mother to be concerned enough about having money for her surgery--I think it was a hip replacement. But then they hook up with low life Joe Utley, who is trashier than they are.  Because Ralph was once a truck driver for Richard Crivello, who owns a chain of markets, they think there is money in the house, so they conspire to rob him and his family, holding them as hostages, killing them if necessary, to get the money.

                                         Thank God, Lucy (Bronwyn Reed), who just happens to be Olivia's babysitter, showed up at the Crivellos, ascertained something was wrong, and called Olivia!!!!!!!!
Which is how she got involved???????  And why couldn't they have shown Tucker in his skivvies??????????

                                            What a waste of time! Of course Joe was going to be killed, and I was damn glad he was!  Everyone got what was coming to them, but, at last, the torture of watching this predictable claptrap was over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Get better writers!  Get better guest stars!  Or a budget???????????

                                                 Warren, Warren, why must you torment us????????????????/

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