Sunday, January 3, 2016

The First Theatrical Scoop Of 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           And wouldn't you know, dolls, it is a scandal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           What is going on, over at CSC?  Why are they trying to ruin themselves?  Who is responsible for this?  The Artistic Director?  The dramaturg?  I say both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Beginning December 10, TONY winner Tonya Pinkins--we LOVE you, Tonya!--was scheduled to open in a production of Bertolt Brecht's "Mother Courage And Her Children."  As Tonya herself said, it is the female equivalent of "King Lear."  After all, the last actress to do the role in town was MERYL,  over at the Delacorte.

                             It is not one of my favorites, but it is one of Brecht's best.  I missed MERYL-- could not get tickets--so I confess, because of Tonya, I was curious about seeing this production.

                             Alas, it is not to be.  Because Tonya, as of January 5, will depart the show, while it is still in previews.

                              Cuts have been made in the text that, according to Tonya, deprive the audience of characters' back stories, and reduces Mother Courage to a raving, delusional woman, a person unacceptable to her, as a Black woman, to portray on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                You assholes, over at CSC!!!!!!!!  You compromise on a classic text, and then you lose a great actress!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!  After this, you'd be lucky to get Roxie Roker, if she were still alive!!!!!!!!!!  Or even Denise Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I am telling you at CSC, you are digging your graves!  From Judy Kuhn in "Passion," to THIS??????????  Whoever made this creative decision ought to have their balls handed to them, then made to stuff them in their mouths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Can the whole thing, and quit while you are ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And Tonya, honey, you made the RIGHT decision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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