Thursday, January 7, 2016

This Bitch Is No Destiny's Child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Let's start the year off, with a local bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            When I first lived in Brooklyn during my youth, the early Eighties to Nineties, Sunset Park, just over from my beloved Bay Ridge, was a dicey place.  Having returned to The Ridge, I was under the impression it had cleaned up its act.  But, apparently, there are some areas still dicey.

                                As evidenced, by the first winner, for 2016, of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award--Destiny Garcia!  And, while the pic makes her appear much older, she is only 15!!!!!!!!

                                 This is no Miss Porter's grad, girls!  Destiny is the charming thing who shot and stabbed her mother and her boy friend, in their apartment on Batchelder Street.  According to what I understand, she left the bodies to rot, for six days. and she lived with the corpses.

                                  Either she must have serious olfactory issues, or she is one sick thing!  Probably a little bit of both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And she keeps flipping her story!  First, it was the boy friend, Alexander Nunez, aged 40, who was sexually abusing her.  Then she said it was her mother, Rosie Sanchez, aged 38, physically abusing her,

                                     If convicted, she could get thirty years to Life. So she makes an ideal start for Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      We're off and running!  Calling all bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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