Sunday, January 31, 2016

We Are Now One Twelfth Through 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Well, I am glad.  January is my least favorite month.  The post holiday slump depresses me, and I don't really get int othe swing of things, till midway.  Which is ironic, because, had I not been a preemie, (born in November, 1954) this would have been my birthday month.  Which would make my beloved and I have had the same month of birth, so it would have been two birthdays with one stone?  Or is that one stone, with two birthdays???????????

                                 The Blizzard of 2016 is what we will all remember January for.  A lot of reading was done this month, and we are taking a theatrical pick-me-up this afternoon, which I will report on.

                                   It was a month of love and warmth with my beloved--may it continue--and many hot meals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, the next time I greet my girls, it will be February!  And a Leap Year one, at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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