Monday, February 1, 2016

And Today Is Something Else, Too, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Today, also, darlings, happens to be Candlemass Eve!  This is the next the witches mock the rituals of the church, and sacrifice a virgin, at midnight!

                     It gets tougher for witches, each year.  Where is one supposed to find a virgin?  On the street?  What are the odds?  In the convent?  That is no longer a guarantee.  Maternity wards?  I think the idea is not so much to sacrifice babies--unless absolutely necessary, according to the ritual, but a full blown, sexually mature, virgin.

                      Don't look at me, dolls!

                       So, lock your doors and windows, tonight!  The evening will be a long one!!!!!!!!!


  1. If you open your linen drawer tonite, to find a dead sparrow and a sprig of woodbine, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! You don't want to be sacrificed at The Hour Of Thirteen!


  2. We made it, so I guess we're good for
    another year! See you this eve!
