Thursday, February 4, 2016

Another Murderous Bitch, Going After Her Ex-Husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           What is it with these spoiled bitch daughters, who are not entitled to anything, as they are one step up from White Trash? Their marriages don't work out--poor babies!!!!!!!!--so they feel the only solution is to murder the rich husband.

                            It happened in Neptune, New Jersey, on August 16, 2010. when Thomas Dorsett, at the behest of his daughter, Kathleen and wife Lesley, whacked Steve Moore on the back of the head with a shovel, killing him, all in the name of getting permanent custody of their daughter.  This family, whose story I have chronicled, will be spending the rest of their lives in prison, as they should.

                              Same with Jarrod Davidson, who died at the hands of Philip whose crime happened six years before, in California,back in July of 2004.    Kelee wanted sole custody of her child, Malia.
So, Daddy Philip and Mama Mindy (for Malinda) cooked up this scheme, at Kelee's instigation.  The mother went to the store to buy a potted plant, as a "gift" for her son-in-law. Her husband accompanied her to his house, where and when he knew Jarrod would be alone, carrying a rifle. Malinda rang the doorbell, placed the gift on the front step, with a note inscribed :To My Teacher"--Jarrod was a rising star on the college chemistry scene, and tutored many students--whereupon Phillip fired the gun and killed Jarrod. His life sentence was shortened by death from lung cancer.  Things got him in the end.

                                But it was Kellee, this week's Bitch Of The Week, who was the real culprit, and eventually she got hers, too. Now both the Dorsetts and Jones will rot in prison.  Oh, that Kellie. Don't let that look of pseudo innocence fool you, as well as that hair, styled in the manner of Margaret O'Brien, or Jennifer Jones, in "The Song Of Bernadette."  Kelee is neither. She is a calculating self-absorbed sociopath, who, had she lived in former times, would have been burned as a witch. Her parenting skills must have come from the School Of Susan Smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Jarrod had a promising future. He was good looking enough that he could have snatched up any girl, or guy. Maybe if he had, Jarrod would still be here. After Kelee, anyone would have been a relief.

                                   The relief is that another Monster Family is behind bars, for good. Malia is being raised by Jarrod's parents.  When she comes of age, she can decide how she wants to deal with her mother.

                                     I hope she walks right up to that bitch, and slaps her across the face!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Kelee was released after serving less than 2 years. Should be rotting in prison!


  2. Brenda,
    How do criminals like these manage to
    do so little time? I also agree with you!

  3. I just saw 48 hours on this bitch. she's sick...smiling throughout the interview but don't worry she got hers check out this 2013 article


  4. BGP,
    Thanks for your comments, and sharing the article.
    She deserves everything she gets.

  5. This disgusting skank goes by Kelee Dossey, has 2 kids, and on Facebook. Go have a look.


  6. Charlotte,
    It figures this sick thing
    would have a Facebook page.
    What she does NOT have is
    shame or remorse.

    Get Child Services to keep
    an eye on those kids. I
    don't trust them, with her!

  7. There should be a psychology test to breed. Too many nutta's making too many lovely kids but not having a clue how to bring them up properly.

  8. Epi Phone,

    I could not say it better,
    myself. I agree with you!

  9. Bigggielarge,

    Darling, what the hell has that got to do with anything?
