Thursday, February 11, 2016

Darlings, How Can Lee Radziwill Have Alzheimer's Disease?????????? She Is A Bouvier, For Heaven's Sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I have not been able to get a luncheon date with Lee, in ages.  The word on the street, or at least, what I am being told, is that the Princess has Alzheimer's!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But she is a Bouvier!!!!!!!!!!!!   Like Marge Simpson, and her sisters, Patty and Selma, who still reside in the Spinster City Apartments!!!!!!!!!!!  So, how can they be afflicted with Alzheimer's????????????

                              Especially Lee.  I mean, come on, she was one of the power brokers of this town; how can she be struck down, like this.  True, she has been replaced by ANNA, but still, she does not deserve this.

                                 If Lee can't be reached for lunch, I hope someone will reach me, and update me on her condition.  Society is going down the tubes, and I have to do something about it.

                                  Can I at least have a bauble, Lee??????????????????????

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