Thursday, February 11, 2016

Girls, I Am Telling You, These Closet Cases Have Got To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Steven Rios should have known better.  He was a cop--not so hot, at that, but, then the town was Columbia, Missouri, so  there is not much choice, there.  He was married, with a newborn child. He was 27 years old. And he was gay, and could not deal with it.

                              This is enough to make him a bitch, but what he did to Jesse Valencia, a sweet 23 year old college student, is what makes him the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                               At an off-campus party that got out of control, Jesse was arrested by Rios.  They became attracted; Jesse had never been to New York, so he could not see what hot cops really are. You know, like Steve Parker. There sure isn't anything like that in Godforsaken Missouri!!!!!!!!!!

                                Of course, as the relationship developed, the deeper they got into it, the more it had to be clandestine, because of the wife and kid, whose lives Rios was actually ruining, but did not care, so long as he got his rocks off. Which is how closet cases are, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Jesse was young and romantic. He wanted what many gay men want--a stable relationship.  Rios had a good job on the force--a job that would have been endangered by knowledge of a homosexual relationship; yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but in Missouri, back in 2004, that was how things were. And I am not so sure they are any better now.

                                  They had a signal for assignations.  If the front light was on in Jesse's apartment, he was available. If not, he was not. One night, these signals got crossed, and Rios caught Jesse with a young man whom he had met at a party.  Jesse thought the Rios thing was done, and was ready to move on. Rios wanted more jollies, so he had a threesome.  Now, two gays knew his secret.  Uh oh.

                                   You know what happened, dolls.  On June 5, 2004, pushed to the brink by Jesse's demands, Rios hunted him down, chasing him onto the outside lawn, and stabbed him, and slashed his throat. Sick, bitch fuck! Just to protect your hypocritical, sexist secret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Well, guess what, Rios? It all came out, anyway!  At the trial, in May 2005, all was revealed, and he was found guilty, sentenced to Life Without Parole. Good riddance!

                                        But, his fool wife, Libby, at the time, vowed eternal love!  Oh, come on!  Let's hope she divorced, moved away from that closet scumbag, and that she and her child are doing just fine. They deserve it, after what they were put through.

                                           This bitch will get what is coming to him, and probably already has. Remember, this was over a decade ago.  After ten years, Rios has been corn holed so wide by the inmates, the shit just flows out of him.  Good for you, scumbag!

                                Here is Jesse, around the age he was killed. Full of youth, promise, and the right to live his own way.  When will these dangerous closet cases--and they are the most dangerous!!!!!--stop interfering with this!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Well, with this week's bitch, Steve Rios, imprisoned and corn holed, it is one less bitch closet case to worry about.

                                    Guess he's been outed, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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