Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Happy Shrove Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Can you believe it, girls?????????  We have actually made it to another Shrove Tuesday, which means lots of folks today, including yours truly, will be eating pancakes, as tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, begins Lent!  Which culminates in Easter, on March 27, meaning, in this house, we watch--"The Song Of Bernadette!"

                            So, enjoy today while it lasts, because tomorrow is meatless, and so is every Friday till Easter.  I always find Shrove Tuesday to be so much fun, and makes me feel I am doing something, as a Catholic!  "Cause I ain't no Bernadette, or Jacinta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           But, whether you are or aren't, Catholic or not, everyone can enjoy pancakes on Shrove Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!

                              Have an easy fast, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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