Thursday, February 11, 2016

Here's How I Plan To Spend My Retirement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Well, maybe not with the poodle, because no one can replace Baby Mouse!!!!!!!

                                      But, really, darlings, from the time I was, oh, in Kindergarten or First Grade, and was old enough to distinguish the North Side from Goat Alley in my hometown, I knew I was born to be a socialite.  Exactly what kind of socialite I had no idea; now it looks like I will be the doyenne of the Manhattan gay community, since I am already the demi-monde of it, after all.

                                      When I saw this photo, it just exuded me in retirement!!!!!!!!!  Oh, but I don't think I will take up smoking. Drinking maybe--a nice Veuve Clicquot--but not smoking.

                                         To think, Babe Paley and my mother died of similar causes. Too bad my mother's closet did not match Babe's.  No wonder I was not one of these gay children, who tried on my mother's clothes. I was too discriminating, and she was, poor thing, too provincial.

                                           Where did I come from, after all?  My sister still wonders about that!!!!!!!

                                            But this represents my plans for retirement!  I just hope La Grenouille is still in business by then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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