Wednesday, February 10, 2016

If I Did Not Know This Was Long Island, During The Summer Of 1976, I Would Swear This Was A Scene Out Of My Childhood/Youth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Now, darlings, I know some of you are going to be shocked, because, after all, the scene is so distinctly Middle Class, how could I have emerged from such environs?

                             But I did.

                             Really, the first time I saw this shot, I thought I was back in the yard of my Aunt Agnes and Uncle Tom, on Prospect Avenue, in Edison, NJ, in the Sixties.  Or my Aunt Martha and Uncle Jack, in their house in Cedar Grove--also in New Jersey.

                                Which makes me wonder if Long Island is just New Jersey on the other side of the river?

                                   The sense of nostalgia, the yearning for an innocence I once possessed--yes, girls, I truly did!!!!!!!--was aroused and touched by this photograph! It tore at the heart, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Alas, how some of us work to reinvent ourselves.  Only to be reminded, however unexpectedly, of where we came from, in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Summers have never been the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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