Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Isn't This Just The Cutest?????????????

                      Our lovable reptile friends, Gojira, and Baby Gojira, want to get in on the Shrove Tuesday fun, too.  However, they are choosing to go their own way, not by eating pancakes, but by consuming a cake that looks suspiciously like a Boston Cream Pie. Hey, that will do!

                         Look ow nearly that cake is sliced with that knife!  And the size of those slices. Big appetites call for big slices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Nevertheless, Gojira is lovable, and is going to share with all.  And I bet he baked that cake, all by himself????????????/

                             So, join him, for some Shrove Tuesday fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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