Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ned Abraham Finally Gets What Is Coming To Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Talk about bitchery and sexual hypocrisy.  Something must be in this post-Valentine's Day air, darlings, because I have not written about anything else all day.  And so is added last night's marvelous 'SVU' episode, "Collateral Damage."

                                  Josh Pais has proved himself a marvelous actor over the years, on this show. He has the face of an arrogant, self-righteous pricks, which makes him ideal for playing scumbags. And no scumbag has been lower than bottom feeder Deputy Commissioner Ned Abraham.  Well, for those of us who were hoping Ned would get some kind of comeuppance, the wish came true.

                                     He is caught not only indulging in child porn online, but hiding photos underneath his underwear drawer. Cute, huh?  Added to this he is married--and to a favorite--Jessica Phillips, as ADA Pippa Cox, who handles child welfare cases. They even have two children, ages 7 and 11.

                                      I knew Ned was a scumbag.  A skirt chaser, sure, but a pedophile?  What a sick fuck!  I would love to see a back story which got Ned to this point.  Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?????? Not from the wonderfully unrepentant way Josh played him; even when he was declaring himself guilty, his face was all attitude.  Get corn holed in the slammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But, Josh, you are a great actor, did a fabulous job, and livened up the season.  But poor Pippa and those children.

                                          And wait, there's more.  That hottie, Robert John Burke was on, as Captain Ed Tucker, who is always nice to look at, and would warm up a cold winter's night, for sure. The final scene--oh, my God!!!!!!--he is embarking on a romantic relationship with.....Olivia?????????? Is he crazy?????????  Is this just male menopause?????????  He deserves better, like that nice Sonny Carisi, played by Peter Scanavino.  Now, those two would be SOOOOOO fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Is Josh Pais finished on 'SVU??'  Only time will tell.

                                              But cheer up, girls!  I have a feeling we are due soon for a visit from Amanda's sister and mother. What a bitchfest that will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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