Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Now, Here Is A "Follies-esque" Image, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  For nearly a quarter century, this building out near the end of the Coney Island boardwalk haunted me, with its baroque, nautical, yet Gothic detail.  One could imagine "Carnival Of Souls" being redone here.

                                   I used to think it was a public bath house, but it turns out to have been Child's a food emporium, popular during Coney's heyday, where people came to eat.  Now almost dilapidated, it is to be converted into an amphitheater.   I just hope they can do it, without losing the original flavor.

                                    And who will come perform here?  Not that bitch, Miss Ross!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Yet I am glad something is being done.  There is a reason why that building has stood all this time.

                                      It is because people love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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