Saturday, March 12, 2016

Can You Believe What Today Is?????????? And IMDB Is Too Dumb To Notice It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I guess the birthday listers, over at IMDB, are not aware of the existence of anyone over the age of 35.  Otherwise, they would not forget what today is.

                                 This should have been declared a National Holiday--especially for Gay Men!
It is Liza Minnelli's birthday, and today she turns 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 That is right!  Can you believe Liza is now that age? How does that make the rest of us feel?

                                   Myself, I am sure glad Liza has made it this far, because there was a time when I did not expect she would. But it sure makes me feel old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, whether you celebrate via Christine Pedi, or Liza herself, let us wish her a very happy birthday, as she begins her Seventies.

                                         And I will try and find something that is prime LIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Here is LIZA--for real--doing "Bye, Bye, Mein Lieber Herr," from her signature film, "Cabaret," back in 1972!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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