Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Darlings, I Never Knew Spy Wednesday Was So Lurid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            This is not the night Judas did "the deed," but Spy Wednesday is the day he made the deal with the high priest to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.  I wonder what that bought, back then, and what Judas had planned to do with the money.  If he was smart, and had not killed himself, he might have used it for a cosmetic makeover, because, let me tell you, if the Apostles had not had Jesus, they wouldn't have known a thing about grooming!!!!!  All their toenails would have been ingrown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             And wait till you hear this. In Poland, they have a Spy Wednesday ceremony.  An effigy of Judas gets thrown from a church steeple to the street, where it is dragged, until it is virtually in tatters, and then this effigy is drowned in water!  Talk about hating Judas!  Well,
nobody does like him, but he is essential to the history of Christianity.

                                                So, don't let anyone or anything tempt you, this Spy Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!  Who knew there was this much to it???????????

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