Monday, March 14, 2016

Does Every Neighborhood Have Its Own, Channeled Version Of Joan??????????????????

                                   That would be Joan Didion.  You see, half a block down from us is a huge apartment building, and, in recent months, we have noticed a shabbily clad woman in a long coat, house slippers, looking as wizened as Joan herself, outside, smoking a cigarette constantly, walking back and forth, along the street, as though mired in deep thought. Sometimes she goes down the side street, to the cul-de-sac, and then returns.

                                    We call her Joan.  Short for Joan Didion.  I would not be surprised is this woman escapes from her caretakers, so she can get out, and live the life she wants.  I mean, Joan has made it past eighty, so, for some, a diet of liquor and cigarettes can help.

                                       Now, neither of us has seen our Joan drink, but her garments have pockets, and I would not be surprised if there is a flask in one of them.   We see her often early in the morning, puffing away, but yesterday, we did not venture out of the house till two thirty in the afternoon--and there she was!  In addition, we saw our beloved dog friend, Stinky, with his brand new haircut that makes him look like a cute, little miniature lion.  But he loves my pets and scratches.

                                         It was just that rambling kind of day--no fetes or galas to go to; can you believe it?????--so we saw our friends and then a luscious dinner at Something Greek.  Fabulous food, but don't order too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           In the meantime, we will keep watching for Joan.  I bet "our" Joan is versed in the works of Joan Didion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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