Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Girls, You're Not Gonna Believe My Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               This weekend turned out to be three days, which, ordinarily, is fun, and it was, only it was fraught with emotion.

                                 Let' start with Holy Saturday.  Of all the films to see on Saturday--David Lynch's 1986 masterwork, "Blue Velvet," shown for its 30th Anniversary, at the Film Forum. Thirty years!  I saw it, back then, and does that make me feel old!  And it certainly wasn't an appropriate film for Holy Saturday; I think some program strategist, working out issues, had the intention of scheduling this film during Holy Week, intentionally.  I will have more to say on "Blue Velvet" in its own posting.

                                Then, on Sunday, things broke lose.  I thought St. Andrews' Church would crack its walls, once I walked into it, for Easter Service, but it did not.  Of course, the Mass was packed, and when I heard a congregant, yell, "Well, screw this!," because they could not get a seat, it made me feel sorry for that person who could not be more respectful on Easter, which is about a celebration, not copping the best seat.

                                 Meanwhile, at home, my beloved was busy, and would be most of the day, preparing for his colonoscopy, which was the next day, Easter Monday.  After Mass ended, I walked through the neighborhood, seeing if any of our beloved animals were about, but they were all engaged in their own Easter celebrations.  When, suddenly, whom should I see walking toward me, but my beloved?  What was he doing out? I wondered. He was supposed to stay inside. But his prep required two regimens, twelve hours apart. So, he finished the first, and we had lunch--he drank only tea.  Then we dashed back  home, and for the next several hours, with Baby Gojira , and Ramsey and Ramsey, Jr. at my side, we all watched "The Song Of Bernadette," which was a spiritual cleansing, and at which I still cry real tears, even after seeing it at least two dozen times.  It never fails to move me.

                                  Then, more prep, and early to bed, because, to get to where the procedure was--on the Upper East Side, near Mt. Sinai, we had to get up at 4AM to be there at 8, riding in from Bay Ridge.  The anxiety of waiting and worry fell on me, while my beloved waited for almost an hour before he was taken.  Two hours later, at ten, he emerged, and everything was all right.

                                      We went back home, relaxed, I had an anxiety headache as I decompressed, which went away with two Tylenol.

                                         Now, we have my colonoscopy in May, so pray for that, dears, both getting the stuff down, and not finding anything.

                                         Meanwhile, things are back to normal. For a time, at least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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