Monday, March 21, 2016

Happy Holy Week, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It really began yesterday, which, of course, was Palm Sunday. But, in just six more days, that means Easter, and, of course, the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."

                              Actually "Ben-Hur" (with Charlton Heston) was on last night on one of the cable channels, and while I thought about watching it--though it is better on the screen--it eight until midnight running time, on a work night, caused me to have second thougths.

                               To think we are coming down the home stretch of Lent.  It seems to go faster and faster this year.

                                Monday started out on a blessed note, walking with my beloved to the train, and the sweetest little terrier dog, whom I stopped to pet, plus our good friends Stinky and Roxy, who were out being walked, and were so glad to see us, especially Stinky.  We both got kisses and scratches galore. All of which points to a Good Holy Week.  However you celebrate, may yours be a happy one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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