Sunday, March 6, 2016

Jonah Hill Hosted SNL For The Fourth Time, Last Night??????????? Where Have I Been??????????

                                      Really, girls, where have I been?  Because I simply adore Jonah Hill, and when I heard, earlier this week, he was hosting SNL, I was thrilled, thinking it was his first time. But he himself said it was his fourth.

                                      Jonah was fabulous, as always; he's no ugly and untalented, like that Seth Rogan, who is just some sexist, and probably homophobic, pig!  Jonah is charming and  funny, but I really respect him when he goes dramatic, because he is so skilled at it, and because he is such a good actor.

                                        Cracks were made last night about him not starring in any movies, but I am telling you, there is an Oscar in Jonah's future, as sure as there is one in Amy Adams'!!!!!!!!!!!  Wouldn't it be great if they won for the same movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Congratulations, Jonah!  You did a great job, last night, and please come back for a fifth go-round!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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