Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Big Six Is Everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Notice I said "is," not are.

                                The Big Six, as pictured, were the Original Cast Members of "A Chorus Line" who got the lion's share of the attention and adulation. From left to right, they are Sammy Williams (Paul), Pamela Blair (Val), Donna McKechnie (Cassie), Robert Lu Pone (Zach), Kelly Bishop (Sheila), and Priscilla Lopez (Diana).  And three of the Big Six--Donna McKecnie, Kelly Bishop, and Sammy Williams, won TONY Awards. Five of them were nominated, save Pamela Blair--who should have been!

                                  This created, for a time, a schism on the line, where many not in this group felt overlooked, annoyed, unappreciated.  I cannot speak for them--I would have been thrilled just to be in "A Chorus Line" alone--but I do have something to say.

                                   Just as this show universalized the audition as job interview, the pain of rejection, and competing for some sort of attention, going in hand with this is the idea of the Big Six.  Meaning, that no matter what level--school or work, anything--overt favoritism always rears its ugly head.

                                     If one is on the receiving end, everything is fine, though more pressure and expectations are forced on one. But what if one is not?

                                      It is one thing not to be on the inside track. But when one has contributions to make, ideas, and brains to implement them, and one is virtually dismissed or ignored, it is easy to look the Big Six one is dealing with with jaundiced eyes. And a lack of morale, of caring begins to set in.

                                        This is the situation facing me.  I sit around, collect a check, yet have no creative input, since I have been reduced, in duties, to a menial. Is there resentment?  You better believe it!  Will I walk out?  I wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I have seen cycles come, and cycles go.  The Big Six here had better enjoy themselves, while they can. Because, sooner or later, eventually, they will find themselves suddenly derailed off the fast track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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