Thursday, March 17, 2016

Trailer Trash Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Forget Barbie, darlings!  That was all play acting.  Remember, she also portrayed,  over the years, Karen Carpenter (for which she should have been nominated for an Oscar!!!!!!!) as well as Maria Von Trapp and Scarlett  O'Hara.  Oh, and I cannot wait to see Barbara Millicent Roberts, and Midge in the doll version of "Carol!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Not only is Dale Schmidt trailer trash, he is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                    This garden variety pedophile lives in said trailer with his mother, who is probably straight out of Ann Ramsey in "Throw Mama From The Train."  Mama must have not been around the day Dale did his deed.

                                      On the eleventh of March, this year, Dale knocked on the door of his 13-year-old neighbor, a boy.  The boy wanted to learn guitar tuning, and Dale invited him to his trailer, knowing they would be alone, and saying the boy's father gave permission to visit Dale--though the boy never heard this from his father.

                                      I am telling you, these straight boys are so naive; they don't know when they are being handed a line.  "Come on over, and let me show you how to tune a  guitar."  Oh, sure, Dale, I know what strings you want to pluck!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And he tried. He got the boy on the bed, and began touching him. As the boy tried to escape, Dale tried to pull down his pants saying, "Let's see what a big boy you are!"  I kid you not, darlings!  Not only are these lines stale, but it takes years of being gay to see through this sort of chicanery.

                                          The boy escaped, made it to his home, with Dale banging on the boy's trailer door. I have no doubt had he made it inside, he would have assaulted the boy for his gratification, and then killed him, to keep quiet. That is how these sickos operate. The boy told his father, and the father called the police.

                                              Dale was arrested, and jailed.  At 58, living with Mama, he was going nowhere. But, on Sunday evening, he did--police found him hanging in his cell. He had committed suicide.

                                                 Too bad you couldn't face your punishment. First you traumatize a young boy, then you screw you life, and now you leave your Mama with grief over your loss, and the reason for it.

                                                   I am sorry you felt this was the way, Dale, but you are a REAL bitch!!!!!!!!!   The best winner, for this week, I will tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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