Monday, March 21, 2016

Why I Am So Worried About "She Loves Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             You wouldn't think I would be worried about such a thing, girls, but I am.

                              The show breezed into town last week, getting the kind of reviews most of us dream of.  Of course, the score is virtually perfect; along with "My Fair Lady" and "A Little Night Music," it is one of the most romantic musicals ever written.

                                 And it can, and should, be deeply moving.

                                 Which brings me to what I am worried about.

                                   The cast is just about nigh perfect, except for one individual. Laura Benanti.

                                   Now, Laura did a superb job in "Gypsy," as both the frumpy and glamorous Louise.  But that was five years ago, darlings, and Laura has aged.  Just look at the set and costumes--perfect, exactly what they should be!  And those pajamas Laura has on, you better believe I am dying to wear, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But, is Laura really suited for Amalia Balash?  Now, I admit, I am one of those purists who insist no one can touch Barbara Cook in the role. But, in my time, I have seen some Amalias--Judy Kuhn and Diane Fratantoni among them--and what all of them had was a warmth, vulnerability and gutlessness that was beguiling.

                                       Just look at Laura.  Amalia is not supposed to be Agnes Gooch, but neither is she supposed to look as slick and polished as Laura.  As for her vocals, well, during previews, she missed some performances--horrors!!!!!!!!--and I have to wonder if she was not up to the score vocally. Because, having heard her do "Ice Cream," her rendition leaves me cold. She hits all the right notes, is technically correct, but there is no warmth, spontaneity, or rising joyousness to her singing.
Which leaves me to think Laura might be off her game, as Amalia.

                                         Whereas, two actresses, one now working, would have been far better.  Let me explain what I mean.

                                            Jessie Mueller is currently coming into town, with "Waitress," and we cannot wait and see what she does with the role.  I have heard her sing a cut from the score, and it moved me to tears. Which is what Amalia should do. Now, Jessie did Amalia in Chicago, before  'Clear Day' made her a Broadway star, and she won an award for it.  Take a look at Jessie. This IS Amalia!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If she had been cast, as she should, she would be winning her second TONY Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              The other actress with the vulnerability and warmth to do this is the great Celia Keenan-Bolger!  Just look at that vulnerability. And, with her musical training, I am sure she could pull off Amalia.

                                               My beloved has been bugging me so much, about getting tickets.  I have singing nothing but the score since it opened, which means I am going to cave in.  He has never seen this show--my God, how can such a thing BE????--and I am curious to see if I just might be wrong about Laura.  I have, on other occasions.

                                                 So, those are my concerns, with a promise to report back!!!!!!!


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