Monday, April 18, 2016

Happy Birthday, Hayley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Yes, darlings, it is the day we all cannot believe. Hayley Mills, icon of the Baby Boomer generation, and many a straight man's first crush, today turns 70!!!!!!!!  70!!!!!!!!!!!   When we were growing up with Hayley, the idea of 70 was inconceivable to any of us, and it meant sitting in a rocking with knitting, like the old lady who flies by Dorothy inside the house, during the twister in "The Wizard Of Oz."

                                  Hayley, for all I know, may be taking up handcraft, but she is not about to sit in any rocking chair.  She looks fabulous, as can be seen; may we all look this good at 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   As for me, I love the legacy she leaves with us, the inspiration she brings to me in the present, like a gift that keeps on giving.

                                    Have whatever you want today, Hayley! Have a cup of tea on me--put in whatever you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I can think of no better birthday tribute to Hayley Mills than by closing with my favorite comfort song of hers.  If you've been on here awhile, readers, you have heard it, but in honor of Hayley, another hearing cannot do harm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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