Monday, April 25, 2016

Hey, We Can't Forget BARBRA, Can We??????????????

                                        Yesterday, for those in the know, was BABS' birthday. She turned 74, and let me tell you, she is looking and sounding it!  She thinks she is going to do "Gypsy?"  That is a pipe dream that has sailed, darlings.

                                           Still the natal day of La Strident cannot be forgotten.  While Ms. S scarfed down coffee ice cream, I expect Mr. Brolin  did his annual spousal duty, munching on....oh, I can't talk about !  Brave man, that James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Once a time, BARBRA was something.  Listen to this early, 1961 recording of "A Sleepin' Bee."  I still have that voice right now, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, Happy Birthday, BARBRA!  And please don't make a fool of yourself, with "Gypsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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