Wednesday, April 27, 2016

If Orson Welles Were Alive Today, THIS Is The Movie He Would Have Made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Even if Orson made this film, it would not be as nearly artistic as 'Kane' was.  The title character in that film had a modicum of taste; Trump hasn't any.

                                The film would have to shot in color. There would be no Bernard Herrmann music, no tracking shot of a "No Trespassing"  sign, and then into Xanadu.

                                 No, it would open silently, with sunlight blinding the lens of a screen.  The sounds of splashing and women's screams would permeate the soundtrack, as the camera fades in to the interior of an aquacade which is part of a tasteless, Florida estate.  Grottoes and lagoons decorate each corner; gaudy as all get out. The camera is awash with boobed, bimbo beach babes.  This is "Citizen Trump?" What more could one expect?

                                The music would turn raucous and discordant, to the point of being annoying. Over the track, the camera closes in to the title character, trunked, bare chested and ugly, swarmed with babes, all there for his power, not his looks.  He looks into the camera and starts speaking away.
He is interrupted by a head shot of Ivana, who proceeds to tell her version of Donald. Then Marla Maples steps in. And soon, like a non-musical "Nine," every woman in Trump's life will step forth to testify, and recreate, what a detestable, capitalist sex pig he is.

                                   Can an artistic film be done about a capitalistic, sex pig?   Not with who is around today; but bring back Welles, Kazan or Robert Altman, and it would be fascinating to see what the potential would be.

                                      A film to help people not elect a dictatorial idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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