Monday, April 11, 2016

Isn't He Just The Most Precious??????????????

                            Girls, that Andrew Keenan-Bolger is certainly a fine young man, now in previews at the Broadhurst Theatre in "Tuck Everlasting," with Carolee Carmello, no less--oh, my God!!!!--and I just cannot wait to go!!!!!!!!!  I hope this lands Andrew a TONY nomination because at least one member of this dynasty is due for one!  And I am sure Celia and Maggie would be as delighted as I were it to be Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I mean, just take a look at this interview with Andrew!  Cute as a button, and fresh as a daisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  When has the stage seen anyone this precious in how long?

                                You can bet I will go backstage, to give you a full report on The Raving Queen and Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!


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