Thursday, April 21, 2016

This Bitch Places Me In Something Of A Literary Dilemma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Curtis Sittenfeld is a New York Times literary darling.  I have read two of her books, "Prep" and "American Wife," both of which were highly readable, both of which garnered a lot of literary attention at the time, then just faded quietly away.

                                     And she has read two other books I never read, but am going to have to--"The Man Of My Dreams," and "Sisterhood."

                                       I think she is desperate to be the next Donna Tartt, but there is no hope for that.

                                        But none of this is what makes Curtis Sittenfeld the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  It is her current book that has done that.

                                          Miss Sittenfeld has joined the group of hangers-on trying to ride on the esteemed coattails of Jane Austen. It is actually called The Austen Project, which is why we have zombies, and the like.

                                             "Eligibility," her latest book, is an update of "Pride And Prejudice," set in Cincinnati.  Like, who cares?  And how is the whole Lydia thing going to be handled?  Is she going to be reduced to some high school slut??????????

                                                 The sad thing is, since I have been following Sittenfeld, I am going to have to read it.  The good thing is I know, once finished, it will send me straight back to "Pride And Prejudice," which will be pure pleasure.

                                                    Oh, yes, Curtis has already been attacked for being "no Jane Austen." But don't place all the blame on her; neither are the other writers doing this, and who is masterminding this project?  That is the person who should be gone after!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Jane Austen should come up from the ground, and slap him or her silly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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