Thursday, April 14, 2016

This Bitch Should Be Mauled By Pit Bulls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           No, dears, this is not a reference to an episode of "COPS," though the incident took place in one of that show's favorite settings--the state of Florida. Why should I be surprised?

                            The timing is perfect, for, en route to work this morning, I saw, on his terrace, my beloved Cujo, my special dog friend, who gave me, from said terrace, all the love he could muster to make me feel better, Which is why this bitch especially irritates me.

                                The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Gerrardo Bellido. He is a, 11 year member of the Florida Department Of Law Enforcement--though who knows for how long, after this incident.

                                  You see, as part of his job, Bellido owned a beautiful and I am sure sweet, yet reliable on the job, four-year-old German Shepard, named Igor.  He was a K9 officer, with the Kissimmee police.

                                   But he made the sadistic mistake of leaving this sweet animal in a car, minus air conditioning, for several hours, leading to poor Igor's death.

                                    That he is still on the police force at all speaks of the stupidity of Florida. But when I tell Cujo, and all my dog friends, they are going out to get him, and I hope they tear this guy apart.

                                      In addition, Bellido lied about the incident. Which he refuses to discuss. What kind of inhuman monster is this?  And what the hell is he doing in law enforcement?????

                                     And here is sweet Igor, who died at the hands of negligence and cruelty. May he rest in peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Gojira is going to GROWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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