Friday, April 1, 2016

This Might Have Been One Of The Best Episodes This Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  It is too early to tell, but the story of Tom Humphrey, on the series recent segment, "Campaign Trail Of Fears" could turn out to be, depending on subsequent episodes of this program, one of the best, along with Karen and Carlo ("You my only flend!!!!!!!") last season, and Amy and the Fat Lesbian, the season before.

                                   The first interesting thing to catch my eye was that, in a rare happenstance, the actual perpetrator, the real Tom Humphrey, was more attractive, actually, than the actor portraying him.  Except the latter gave such an over the top performance, amplifying it up to camp, that I came away convinced the real Tom Humphrey was as pathetic as his portrayer.

                                      He also did not understand himself.  I would have love to known something of his earlier background, how he got a pilot's license and kept it.  Had he done this on any women prior to Kathleen Kruger.

                                        It started out with him being obsessed with the couple.  I mean, when Bob Kruger lost the election for Senate, the tears of Humphrey were way beyond losing.  I did not even carry on like this, when I failed to make the National Honor Society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Is this guy gay, I wondered?  Or bisexual?  Does he have the hots for both Kruger's, or what?

                                          Eventually, he reveals he is only interested in Kathleen, and that is when I caught on. This is some pathetic loser so unsure of his sexuality, never having had a woman, and afraid to find out the truth by having a man.  Now, Texas has lots of hotter men than Bob Kruger, so he could have found out, but what I think he wanted, though he did not consciously realize this, as he did not know the expression, was that he wanted Kathleen Kruger, because he wanted her to be his own personal fag hag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Even when he moved to California, where there are plenty of fag hags to be had, he still harassed the Krugers, to the point when he said he was going to kill Bob. Which is when the police got him.

                                            He did prison time, and then vanished from the Krugers' lives. He is still out there; maybe prison changed him, because, hopefully he got corn holed!!!!!!!!  Maybe he is on the Sunset Trip or the Castro piloting liaisons, instead of planes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               This sicko was something. All he needed was to get with the program--and realize he was gay.

                                                 But, then what does Texas know?  Does, like, musical theater exist there?????????????

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