Sunday, April 3, 2016

Will This Hurt My Reputation??????????????????

                                It was not my idea to see "A Prairie Home Companion," at Town Hall last night, but before touching upon that, and the wild day had yesterday, let me start with a few nights ago.

                                I had what one might call a "Blue Velvet" experience.  The sun was setting, it was still light out, and there I was, walking on Bay Ridge Parkway to Third Avenue.  Along this thoroughfare, which  was populated, I passed this really creepy looking, stocky, Irish skin head guy, dressed, of course, in a leather jacket.  I did not pay him no mind; just another barhop from the Salty Dog, which, from the direction he came, I imagined he was coming from.  When he passed me, he said, "Hi!  How are you?"  Not wanting to bother with him, and I just said, "Fine," and walked along, fast, because I was frightened.

                              This was not your garden variety gay cruising.  I have had my share of that.  No, this was something else. His lone delivery, to call it that, had a suggestion of menace, not unlike in "Blue Velvet" when Dennis Hopper says to Kyle MacLachlan, "Oh.  You're from the neighborhood.  Hi...Neighbor."  I got, right away, that this was a homophobe just looking for a gay to bash, and, I am telling you, if I had been foolish enough to linger, engaging him in conversation, I believe he would have attacked me.

                               I thought, at once of my beloved, and Cujo.  If they had seen this, there would have been hell to pay.  If this had happened on Cujo's block, and he saw it, he would have come tearing at this guy, and, when he wants to, Cujo can be fierce.  I feel safe, with him around, so I might start walking down his street, because I do not want to run into this creep again.

                              Be on your guard, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now, yesterday was something, because we had an adventure, going on a joy ride with Auntie Alvin, to pick up the repaired clocks--including Aunt Anna's, which now runs beautifully--and then, after lunch with Auntie Alvin, back to our place, to set things right.  Then, Auntie Alvin drove us into downtown Manhattan.  He gets confused.  We headed up to Town Hall, where the show as being aired at 5:45.  At least, we would get home early.  Which we did.

                              As for the show, well, it was interesting to see how a radio show was staged, which gave me more of an idea of the impact of this medium in the 30's and 40's.  Garrison Keillor was there, and in great form, and there was lots of talent exhibited on the stage.

                               It just left me cold.  I found it interesting as a cultural experience, but not aesthetically satisfying.  But, my beloved was thrilled, and he went to "Blue Velvet" with me, so all was right with world.

                                But was it????????????

                                Because, when we got home, and saw the news, we learned we had gotten on the subway just in time to be potential evacuees in a would be terrorist attack.  An unattended truck was found let, with wiring, in the Theater District, and the shows--"Hamilton," Jessie Mueller--stopped, for a time on Broadway.  If we had gone to what I wanted last night--"The Crucible'--we would have been caught up in this!  I ma telling you, thank God I watch "The Song Of Bernadette," every Easter!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And thank you, Mary, Bernadette, and Jacinta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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